When hearing aids are not enough?

Moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. Limited benefit of amplification defined by preoperative test scores of ≤ 50% phrase recognition in the ear to be implanted and ≤ 60% in the opposite ear or.

When hearing aids are not enough?

Moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. Limited benefit of amplification defined by preoperative test scores of ≤ 50% phrase recognition in the ear to be implanted and ≤ 60% in the opposite ear or. Do you have difficulty hearing conversations, especially with background noise? You can successfully treat severe to profound hearing loss with hearing aids. However, there are people who have such damage to hearing that speech nerves cannot be activated even when a hearing aid provides them with adequate amplification.

And if your nerves don't shoot, then you won't understand speech. Regardless of the level of hearing aid technology they buy, they will still have problems, sometimes even in moderately noisy situations. It can also be stressful if you need to travel to another city for implant surgery, so knowing that your hearing loss team is nearby can be a great convenience. Your hearing implant doctor will perform an ear evaluation that will include a history of your previous hearing health; a careful microscopic examination of your ears to make sure there are no other hearing problems; and finally, a review of CT and MRI scans.

While using high-end hearing aids will give you a little boost, they won't provide you with everything you need. A sound processor (such as a hearing aid) is placed externally and sends signals so that small electrical impulses are sent along the implanted electrode to stimulate the auditory nerves. There are two reasons why a set of headphones may not help you in certain situations, the first is that the level of technology you have purchased was never designed to help you in that noisy environment. Generally speaking, if you understand less than half of the spoken words you hear under the test conditions, even with quality, correctly chosen and fitted hearing aids, implant technology is possibly the next step.

If you think a hearing aid, a cochlear implant, or a combination of both can help you or a loved one, see your audiologist as soon as possible. While hearing loss is a function of damage to the auditory mechanism (outer ear, middle and inner ear). The two devices next to the hearing aids in the picture are remote microphones, the device in the middle is a TV transmitter, and finally, the last two are a remote transmitter and a mobile phone transmitter. The second reason is a little deeper than that and involves what is happening in your hearing mechanism and possibly in your auditory cortex.

Experts believe that 37 percent of hearing loss experienced by people is due to avoidable and repeated exposure to loud noises known as noise-induced hearing loss. If you have hearing loss or tinnitus, talk to your hearing care professional about available treatments. It isolated me and I didn't do all the things I did because it was very difficult for me to hear.