What hearing aids does medicare cover?

Medicare doesn't cover hearing aids or hearing aid fitting tests. You pay 100% of the cost of hearing aids and exams.

What hearing aids does medicare cover?

Medicare doesn't cover hearing aids or hearing aid fitting tests. You pay 100% of the cost of hearing aids and exams. Unfortunately, Original Medicare doesn't cover the cost of hearing aids or their maintenance. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you're out of luck.

Some Medicare Advantage providers offer plans with coverage for hearing aids, which can significantly reduce out-of-pocket costs. It may cover a doctor-ordered hearing test or treatment for a hearing related medical condition, but Medicare will not pay for hearing improvement devices or tests that fit them. You are responsible for 100 percent of these costs. Unfortunately, Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B) does not consider hearing aids to be medically necessary.

Original Medicare does not offer coverage for hearing aids or hearing aid accessories. Therefore, beneficiaries are responsible for 100% of these costs with Original Medicare. Hearing loss can have a variety of causes, but it often happens as we age. Hearing aids help people cope and improve their hearing.

Medicare Part B doesn't cover hearing aids or testing for fitting a hearing aid. It usually covers services medically necessary to treat an active medical condition. A bill, H.R. 1518, has been introduced to Congress that could remove the original Medicare hearing aid coverage exclusion.

When you enroll in Medicare, it's important to consider your individual health needs, such as whether you'll need a hearing aid in the near future. However, it is estimated that 67-86% of people aged 50 and older who could benefit from hearing aids do not use them. You can then use this information, along with the total cost of the hearing aid, to calculate your out-of-pocket cost. You will then return to follow-up appointments to adjust the hearing aids and customize them to your specific needs.

To learn more about your options and to compare plans available where you live that may be covered by hearing aids, call today to speak with a licensed insurance agent. According to the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, SNHL involves damage to the inner ear and is the most common form of permanent hearing loss. However, Medicare Part B does cover diagnostic hearing tests if your doctor orders them to help detect and diagnose a hearing problem. Just keep in mind that finding free hearing aids can take time, as you may need to add your name to a waiting list or wait for enrollment to open.

Let's start by looking at the different parts of Medicare and looking at coverage as it relates to hearing aids. When you buy hearing aids, the cost usually includes a hearing test, consultation, and initial fitting. If you have Medicare and need help paying for a hearing aid, there are some programs that might offer you some help. Yes, but only Part B will help cover diagnostic hearing and balance tests if your doctor or health care provider requests them.

For example, Humana, Aetna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield offer at least one Medicare Advantage plan with coverage for hearing aids. This usually results in a lower initial bill, including hearing aids, fitting, and a limited number of follow-up visits.